While all flooring options have their pros and cons, vinyl floors have an especially long list of positive features – including their durability and longevity. Vinyl plank flooring continues to grow in popularity because it looks similar to natural hardwood floors, but it’s much more affordable and can last the lifetime of your home.How long your vinyl plank flooring will last however, is dependent on a few factors; we’ll dive into them below!
Flooring Composition
The largest factor that determines how long your vinyl flooring will last is its composition. Thicker vinyl floors will last longer than thinner variations, and their warranties will match appropriately. For example, thicker vinyl planks usually come with warranties up to 25 years, while thin vinyl planks only have warranties of between 5 and 10 years. Because vinyl thickness plays such a large part in its durability, it’s especially important that you select high-quality vinyl planks.
Foot Traffic
As with any type of flooring, foot traffic contributes to how quickly your vinyl flooring will show wear and tear. Obviously, higher-traffic areas will look worn more quickly than rooms that are hardly used. Unfortunately, there is little you can do to prevent regular wear and tear to your floors with the exception of regular maintenance. You can however avoid dragging heavy objects across the floor which can result in scratches and gouges.
While vinyl floors are famously low maintenance, regular light cleanings will do wonders in keeping your floors looking fresh and new. After you install vinyl flooring in your home, you’ll need to invest in the proper cleaning solution and set aside a little time for regular cleanings. The best cleanser for vinyl floors is a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water; the acid in the vinegar breaks down dirt and grime. Before you mop your floors, make sure to sweep or vacuum up crumbs or debris to prevent them from scratching the floor when you mop.As you can see, vinyl plank floors can last between 5 and 25 years in your home and their lifespan is largely dependent on the original product and the way you maintain it. Overall, vinyl floors are fairly low maintenance, making them a great flooring choice for busy households. Other perks of vinyl plank floors include: water-resistant properties, a softer feel, and quick installation.We hope this post has been helpful in educating you on how long vinyl plank flooring should last. However, we understand that every situation is unique, and would love to give you a more accurate longevity estimate based on product selection, and whether you have children, pets and what rooms you’re planning on adding vinyl flooring to. Give Millennium Hardwood Flooring a call today for all of your flooring needs!
Millennium Hardwood Flooring
9705 Research Blvd Suite C1
Austin, TX 78759512-351-2258