If you have been in Texas for a day or two you might have discovered the scorching power of the Texas sun. If you lived in Texas for a while, you might have seen what direct sunlight can do over a long period to your furniture, floors, and even art. Though carpet is more susceptible to damage by sunlight, other floors like ceramic tile, laminate and hardwood are also likely to be damaged if exposed to direct sunlight over a long period. When sunlight damage occurs, it tends to be discovered very late and turns out to be very unsightly; often-leaving streaks that look as if the floor has been stained by bleach and not properly cared.Aside from being unsightly, it is also costly and likely to require replacement of the flooring surface. Here are some tips that will help you take great care of your new floors.
What Is the Best Form of Protection?
Not unlike the way that the sun affects your skin, the damage to your floors is caused by ultraviolet light. Of course, a simple and effective way to protect your floors is to keep curtains and blinds closed. However, we know that sun, aside from irritating us is actually good, important and necessary to our wellbeing. So where do we start if we want to protect our floors from sun damage?Windows – If in the process of upgrading your home or even building new construction, invest in quality windows. New technology has made it possible for some windows that are laminated to filter as much as 95% to 99% of the harmful UV radiation. Though this may be a bit costly, in the long term it may be a great investment that will help not only with floor care but also save you money on energy expenses.Another option is to add window film to your current windows. This is a more cost effective way to make your windows more efficient and to also protect your floor and furniture. Your local store or a local contractor can apply this film at relatively low cost.Floor Treatment – Since sun exposure tends to affect darker floors more than lighter colored ones a starting point is that if you have large windows to opt for lighter colors hardwood floors. European oaks are very popular in Austin and lighter colors are easy to find and very stylish. Applying a sealant to wood flooring will block the damaging effects of UV rays, and in addition to other proper maintenance techniques it can really prologue the lifespan of the floor.One final tip is to add a rug that will also act as protection from wear and tear of your floor in the high traffic areas.
Millennium Hardwood Flooring
9705 Research Blvd Suite C1
Austin, TX 78759512-351-2258